This anecdote was given to me by a friend and I thought it was worth sharing.
It was printed in a Birmingham newspaper in January of 1872.
It reads as follows:
THE VICTORY - "A Naval Officer" has informed our contemporary the Standard that the walls of Portsmouth were placarded last week with a notice that Nelson's old flag-ship, the Victory, was going to be sold. Another correspondent of the same paper has since contradicted the statement. We have reason to believe, however, that the "Naval Officer" was correct, and that the fate of the victory has been some time in suspense. If our information is correct, the idea of the Admiralty is to retain some memorial of the old ship, but they are at a loss to know how to dispose of the whoole. We wonder if the enterprising American who offered to purchase the Vendome Column of the late Commune of Paris could be got to look at this bargain if Nelson's coat and sword and a few of the old flags from Chelsea Hospital and St. Paul's were thrown in! What is the use of our national relics if they have no market value, and if they are worth anything, why should we not proceed to realise? By all means take advantage of the opportunity when the Victory is sold to turn some of the old properties into cash, having a clearing sale at the Tower itself, and when the Victory sails for her new mooring let the bones of Nelson himself go with her.
A greater part of this is obviously ironic/tongue in cheek, but I wonder if there was any truth at all in the story of the "Victory for sale" placards in Portsmouth??!!